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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Two of the coveted prizes given out after the Jog-a-thon are Principal and Vice Principal of the Day.  These kids were given a budget of $1000 and were able to choose special things to do for the rest of the school.  In the morning, they brought a cart of bagels and pastries around to the hungry teachers.  We had  an assembly this morning where a guest from the Howell Nature came and taught us about different woodland animals.  They even had live animals for the children to observe.  The kiddos loved seeing the owl move it's head around and the flying squirrel dart around it's cage.  In the afternoon we had a very meaningful and hilarious character education assembly.  The kids learned about different character traits such as persistence, honesty, cooperation, etc.  The instructor made the lesson very entertaining with bits of magic and humor sprinkled in!  We ended our day with a Popsicle treat given to us by our principal and vice principal of the day. What a fun Tuesday!  We think that the kiddos did a great job filling Mr. Whan's shoes for the day! :)

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