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Friday, May 6, 2011

Insect Centers with Boulan Buddies

We had such a fun morning with our Boulan Buddies doing different insect centers!  We played a roll-an-insect game with dice.  The kiddos had to roll the dice until we had all the parts of the insect.  (head, thorax, abdomen, eyes, antennae, and 6 legs)
We also created the butterfly life cycle on a paper plate.  We labeled the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.  We used different kinds of mediums such as seeds, tissue paper, construction paper and pipe cleaners to create the life cycle.
At the math station we created our own insects and then measured the area and perimeter of them with cubes.
The kiddos had a lot of fun making their own made up insect at the art station.  The insects had to have all of the necessary parts to make it an insect. They had fun using the scraps of construction paper to make their insect!

We couldn't of done all of these fun stations without the help of our Boulan Buddies from the middle school.  Below are some pictures of our buddies helping us at our stations. 

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