In math we have been focusing on the "teen" numbers 11-19. The thinking routine I used with Teen Numbers was a Chalk Talk. During a Chalk Talk students are asked to think about ideas presented to them, make connections to others’ responses and then question the ideas and responses of their peers. It is very easy to implement and is an excellent way to stimulate some great “silent discussion” in your classroom!With our Chalk Talk each child was given a marker as a writing tool. How exciting! :) Each table had 2 large pieces of construction paper that were put together and then written in the middle was a different teen number. Each group spent allotted time at each table and wrote down anything that represented that number. They had to do this silently.
For example they coudl write:
drew picture representation of that number
drew number of fingers to represent the number
Hansini-this is her magic number
16 comes after 15
15 comes after 14
14 is before 15
drew it in 5's groups
Below are some pictures of our Teen Number Chalk Talk. After we were finished we talked about the posters we created and cleared up any misconceptions student's may have had. EX: Incorrect math equations. After the Chalk Talk students built the teen numbers with objects at their table. In order to exit the math lesson students were required to fill out an exit ticket on a sticky note. They could choose any teen number. They had to list the number, draw it and then record the math equation. See our exit board and an example ticket below. Way to go mathematicians!