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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

5th Grade Buddies

Today we met up with our buddies for some creative fun!  Each child worked on a laptop with their 5th grade buddy from Mr. Cottone's class to create their own comic strip story.  Most children were able to print and see their masterpiece!  With their buddies they were able to play around with different speech bubbles to help create their story.  Many children expressed interest in making thier own comic stories at home.  Below is the link to get to this part of the website.  They can also create their own flip books too!


Yay, it is almost time for our zoo trip on Friday!  As of now it looks like the weather is going to hold.
 Please remember to send a spring jacket for your child that they could take off when it warms up later in the morning.  It is also VERY important that you send your child with a sack/bagged lunch.  They cannot purchase lunch at school or the zoo.  By sending it in a disposable bag we will be able to easily throw it out when they are done.  This will make it easier for the chaperone's to carry in their backpack.  Children should wear their class jog-a-thon or class color t-shirt.  Summers-green and LaTarte-red.  We should be returning to Bemis at about 2:00.  In the past many children have been picked up by their families at this time, since it is such a long day for the kiddos with all the walking around they do.  Otherwise we will be watching a movie until the end of the school day.  We are looking forward to having a great day at the zoo!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Chick Eggs Are HERE!!!

Our Class Incubator

It is such an exciting time to be a Kindergartner at Bemis!  Yesterday our chick eggs arrived from the farm and they were put into our class incubator.  Each Kindergarten class has 12 eggs in their incubator.  Over the next couple of weeks we will be learning about the changes that are happening on the inside of the egg.  Each student will have their our "Egg to Chick" journal that they will be keeping their observations in.  Students will be learning all the different parts of the egg, what the egg needs to survive inside the incubator, their life cycle and also what the chick will need to survive after it has hatched.  Of course much, much more!  Below is a video students viewed as of a Smartboard lesson.  The lesson was our first introduction about what was going to be happening to our eggs over the next 21 days.  It is so neat because the kids were able to see exactly how the chick developed inside the egg!    Click on the picture below to view the video.

Our Chick Journals that we will be recording our observations in.

Our countdown calendar

Friday, May 6, 2011

Insect Centers with Boulan Buddies

We had such a fun morning with our Boulan Buddies doing different insect centers!  We played a roll-an-insect game with dice.  The kiddos had to roll the dice until we had all the parts of the insect.  (head, thorax, abdomen, eyes, antennae, and 6 legs)
We also created the butterfly life cycle on a paper plate.  We labeled the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.  We used different kinds of mediums such as seeds, tissue paper, construction paper and pipe cleaners to create the life cycle.
At the math station we created our own insects and then measured the area and perimeter of them with cubes.
The kiddos had a lot of fun making their own made up insect at the art station.  The insects had to have all of the necessary parts to make it an insect. They had fun using the scraps of construction paper to make their insect!

We couldn't of done all of these fun stations without the help of our Boulan Buddies from the middle school.  Below are some pictures of our buddies helping us at our stations. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


We learn in many different ways in Kindergarten.  One of the ways is through songs.  Here is a quick clip of us singing a song about the parts of an insects body.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We have been having lots of fun learning about the lifecycle of the butterfly.  Our caterpillars arrived last week and we have been observing them everyday.  As scientists we have been recording the changes in our learning notebook. We have been drawing and labeling our containers with the caterpillars in them and then writing about what we see.  We are very excited for them to build their chrysalis around them and anticipate it happening any day!  On Friday we made a yummy caterpillar snack out of bananas, sprinkles, chocolate sauce and licorice.  Yum!